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tv   The Kelly File  FOX News  October 31, 2013 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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writing to the factor. have a great halloween. stay safe. don't let the urchins go crazy. miss kelly up next. remember the spin stops here. we're definitely looking out for you. breaking tonight after 30 days of the administration refusing to release any numbers on obama care enrollment moments ago fox news getting our very first look at concrete numbers from the big health care sign up. and it shows just six people enrolled on the first day of sign ups. six. welcome everyone i'm megyn kelly. this is the kelly file and the news is breaking this evening. for weeks this administration has refused to give out enrollment numbers. in testimony before congress, to the american people, the president giving a speech, no,
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no, no, no. so the house oversight committee subpoenaed information from okay lean setba -- kathleen sebelius. in just this last hour moments before we came to air, we got this detailing of what actually happened in the first days of the obama care launch. look at this. six on day one. six people. meeting, two which was later that day. 100 total signups. by midday on october 2nd they had 100. the next day, october 3rd, 248 signups. good gracious. chris, not 16, not 600. not 6,000. six. there are more people in this
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room than signed up for obama care on day one, the big day of the big roll out. and by the end of the second day they hadn't even cut 250. what does that tell us? >> that tells us the computer operation system to sign up apparatus, the guts of this thing were a much worse disaster than we had even previously known. because remember we're talking about a universe of what 30 million, 25 or 30 million uninsured human beings. we're talking about a lot of people that his president and their political base tweeting them, talking to them, get your obama care. we spent hundreds of millions of dollars on the rollout, we sent out navigateors, we spent a ton of money and time to get people into this and it was such a mess that only six human beings -- you want to talk about a war room. that's like the sinking ship war room that you're sitting around what's happening? what's the latest, guys? what do you have on this? they say we got six.
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>> right. no one thought to ask miss sebelius, so just give us a hint. can you among two hands. tuf to close your hands to re-open them. six, chris? we're laughing but this is supposed to be -- this is the big thing. these people were supposed to be signing up on these exchanges. they are funding this thing. they are going to be funding the medicaid people who are signing up in droves. by day two it's 248. no wonder will they tell us. when will they. they promise us november. if the numbers are anywhere near as bad as this, you know, projection would suggest still in the thousands, what kind of a situation are we in? >> the president went and gave a campaign speech in boston. he talked to his supporters of the law. he said they are tracking it and that the numbers are getting better. >> of course they are. >> if baseline is six it's not
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that hard to get better. what's behind all of this are people losing their policies, separati desperation of people to get through this swamp and find a way to get the product at the end. they created an incredible demand whether people like it or not, they created a forced demand in many cases for this product and this means that people, these millions of people can't get through and that is a serious crisis. >> doesn't it though, explain why when asked repeatedly for some sort of information about how it's going and it's not like they are probing into kathleen sebelius, her private business. we paid for this thing. this is our website. we paid for it, the american taxpayer. and our representatives said to the administration how much are we getting? how many people are we getting? how is our product that we paid for working? and they refuse to tell us. and now we know why. because we've got -- we've gotten this from darrell issa
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the committee on oversight and government reform has release this and for the first time now we got the numbers. now it all becomes clear why everyone has been so very guarded about the numbers, chris. >> distract, delay, deny. wait until the news gets better and then you come back and say what's going on. that's been the case in politics long before barack obama was president of the united states. but that's a specialty of this administration. we've seen it on benghazi. we've seen it on a number of scandals facing the administration. they tried it on this one. unfortunately for them the stakes are too huge, too many millions of americans are involved. too much coverage is being disrupted. too much money is being spent. you can't say we'll holler back. >> they touted how they had over 20 million people who tried to access the website and six registered on day one. i want to say we reached out to the administration for a comment on these numbers. they have stressed to our own ed henry that these are not their
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numbers. they are not official numbers. they didn't say they are wrong. but they said they are not official numbers. that's about all they said. we're going to have ed henry join us in moments. chris, thank you. >> up bet. also breaking tonight another piece of major news. a kelly file investigation reveals that the health care safety net that the president promised to tens of millions of americans is not there. after original reporting by "forbes" and research by fox news we learned up to 93 million americans or more could have seen their plans lose their grandfather status. that's the protection that you can keep your plan if you like your plan feign have a plan that doesn't comply with obama care don't worry about it because it will be grandfathered in. well, as it turns out, it may not be for 93 plus million americans and the administration knew that that was the number
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back in 2010. in fact, on page 34,552 of the federal register, in little red federal register out in the summer of 2010 it read quote, 66% of small employer plans and 45% of large employer plans will relinquish their grandfather status by the end of 2013. so those plans may be going bye-bye. what does that mean? joining me now, a senior fellow at the manhattan institute and information health care adviser to the mitt romney campaign. so the individual insurance market has been having troubles it's been having. often million could get cancelled. the employer based market. we're going to open enrollment in this country for many plans tomorrow. people are wondering what will happen to their employer based plan. you're telling me this same
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smoke gun document as one of our contributors discussed it goes on to talk about the individual market but the employer market and projects what? >> it projects about, more than half of the people who have coverage through their employer, those plans they are on today will be illegal come 2013. they will have to get new plans. typically plans with higher premium, higher deductibles, a whole range of benefits they don't need and narrow networks of hospitals and physicians. narrower choice of doctors. >> it's not necessarily going same as the individual market where we see mass cancellations. >> it won't be as drastic. the individual markets are people who have to shop for coverage on their own because they don't get it from their job but private-sector coverage. the employer sponsored are for people who get coverage through their job. 156 million americans get insurance through their job, 25 million shop for it on their own. >> 153 million who get employer based coverage and you're telling me now that the plans
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that they have, over half of these plans are not is going to be grandfathered in. you're not going to fall under if you like your plan you can keep it. new ball of wax for these people too when? when does that start? >> january 1, 2014. you'll be forced to have a obama care plan that's not amenable to the kind of insurance you like. >> the employer plans are not required to have all the bells and whistles that the plans in the individual market are. they don't have to have maternity coverage. this is what my brain room tells me. they have some bells and whistles they have to offer under obama care. so what does that mean important the employer insured people? >> the individual market today there's a lot more choice relatively speaking in terms of how the plan can be decided. the employer sponsored market is more heavily regulated and so in the individual market obama care creates this one size fits all
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regime. so if you're in the individual market today you're likely to see higher spikes in your premiums because it's less heavily regular littled e e ed regulated. the employer sponsored market premiums may go up 15% to 20%. in the individual market they may double. >> what about the promise if you like your plan you can keep it and things won't change and premiums won't go up and it will save you money. >> everyone in the health policy community left, right or center knew that this was a lie. the difference now is that people are getting the cancellation notices. journalists can go and interview people who are getting cancellation notices. before we were arguing in our blogs and academic papers and saying this will happen. now it's real. >> people who have employer sponsored health care have been watching this and saying i feel for them and glad i'm not one of them. now you're telling me not so fast because you may not be safe
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either. >> absolutely. the administration is trying to claim the employer sponsored market is completely unaffected by obama care. it's not true. delta airlines to give one example, they've said that their costs will increase by $100 million next year. labor unions are going nuts because their plans are going up to unsustainable levels. employer sponsored market will be affected. >> it's a question about whether that's the next shoe to fall. on the subject of people who are getting cancelations who weren't expecting them from plans they liked not these lousy plans that we heard about last night. we have that next. thank you so much. we appreciate it. next we'll interview one of these cancelled customers who is very ticked off about this characterization that all the plans being cancelled on the individual market they were lousy, stinky plans, don't worry about it. that's not true as it turns out. plus we'll have much more on this breaking news we just brought to you, documents just released suggesting that six,
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you can do it on your fingers. that's not good. signed up for obama care on day one. ed henry is talking with the white house. he joins us live straight ahead. plus new claims there's a socialist school lesson now hidden in common core education plans. we'll go digging through the homework and wait until y avo: the volkswagen "sign then drive" sales event is back. which means it's never been easier to get a new passat, awarded j.d. power's most appealing midsize car, two years in a row. and right now you can drive one home for practically just your signature. get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first month's payment on any new 2014 volkswagen. hurry, this offer ends october 31st. for details, visit today.
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update on our top story tonight. moments before we went to air the house oversight committee released documents indicating that just six americans enrolled for obama care on day one of its launch and less than 250 by day two. we'll get new reaction from the white house straight ahead. right now they said it's not official but they to come from the administration and notes that they were taking. last night we asked you to post your obama care experiences on our facebook page, or send us a tweet @megynkelly. we got almost 1,000 responses right away. i read tweets. a mother discovered her cadillac plan a high cost insurance policy with top of the line benefits was just cancelled. now the president said only the bad plans would be going away. remember frank pallone, the
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lousy ones. was it lousy? >> megyn, miss somers didn't just like her plan but it was a savior. his medical bills topped a million dollars. of that she paid $1500. when her husband's employer stopped paying their insurance she kept the same company, the same plan and paid the premiums herself. not a substandard plan like the president says but a cadillac plan. then she gets a letter from high mark blue cross blue shield her plan is being cancelled but switch her to a lesser plan for an additional $155 a month. she asked if she can get a similar plan. the answer is yes but now look at the numbers. her per person deductible goes from $1,200 to $1500. family deductible from $2400 to $4400. her co-pay goes from 10% to 20% and here's the kicker.
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the premium goes from $396 to $882 per month and here is becky somers. >> i have an excellent policy where i'm covered for everything with no lifetime maximum. i have every single coverage there is. and they are trying to tell me that i had a bad policy, and the insurance company was ripping me off, and i was too stupid to know better so now i have to, you know, go with what the government is giving for my, you know, for my own good. >> then she asked the insurance company if she can get a lower deductible. the answer again is yes but the premiums go up even further and at this point she says she felt totally duped. listen. >> i was doing everything i needed to do to be self-sustaining, to be responsible, to take care of my family, not taking a penny, you know, from the government in that regard at all. and then all of a sudden my
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insurance is cancelled, and the only policy i can get is one that the government tells me i have to get. and pay more than twice as much for it. >> she's working two jobs now, megyn. now she needs a job that pace health care benefits. >> joining us tonight with reaction. lesley marshal and lars larson. your reaction? >> this is terrible for america. the other dot we haven't connect when these new plans are forced on people as you pointed out, tens of millions of people watching their policy costs go up even if they are working for a big employer and watching what they get go down. what's it going to do to the economy? we were who the social securitys is tax increase came. can you imagine what it will do to america's economy when tens of millions of families are losing additional two, three, four hundred dollars per month and getting less for it?
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this should make americans very, very mad and especially because we got a president who lied to us. we've previously impeached presidents for lying to us. i think this president deserves it as well. >> lesley? >> i think perjury is different, lars. it's terrible that woman's husband died from such a terrible disease and it's terrible somebody is being bullied by their insurance company. i've seen from my family our deductible increased from $550 to $750. insurance companies have done this. they will do this. and it's the insurance companies that are causing people to lose that grandfather status by increasing co-pay, by changing and increasing deductibles. >> let me stop you there. that's not true. the reason they lose the grandfather status the hhs wrote
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regulars that basically say you lose grandfather status if you change the first period in the first sentence of your policy. very, very broad the way they wrote the way you lose it. >> i won't disagree with you. >> lesley, you're so wrongheaded on this. this change success forced by the government. this government, obama care, instructs those insurance companies to add additional items to coverage that people did not choose to buy. when you add extra options on to anything including insurance it costs more money. you want to lay it at the feet of the in companies, they don't have any choice. if you tell them to cover more thing it will cost more money. >> i'll have to tell you on my radio show i ask people and people listen from all sides that call in. and the experiences they have had so far when they've been shopping on the affordable care act site when they can in california, our site works in this state they fine they are making a lot of savings and many
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people that are republicans lars that are on your side are against obama care. >> thank you so much. up next the man who says this administration, the white house he says is telling the big [ male announcer ] this is not just a laptop. they're not usually this thin, this light. ♪ they don't let you touch and draw, not like this. ♪ this is not just a tablet. it has a click in keyboard and microsoft office, ♪ this lets you run your favorite apps
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are ending soon at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ back now to the big breaking news tonight. the house oversight committee releasing documents in the last hour indicating just six americans enrolled for obama care on day one. remember over 21 million people visited the site. six enrolled. the administration says these are not the official numbers. everyone in the administration has refused to release any numbers so far. our next guest says the white house is trying to keep the big insurance companies from
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speaking to the media. now, bob, welcome to the program. you have this from the insurance companies perspective an you've bean critic of obama care. i want to get that out right away. your thoughts. tell me why you say the white house is trying to intimidate these insurance companies. >> i don't know if i would use the word intimidate but clearly the white house doesn't want insurance companies talking about what's going on here. and given what was released tonight the news that so very few people are signing up you can see why. if four weeks ago the enrollment numbers were public it would look very bad. i can tell you based upon the information that i continue to get, this trickle of enrollment that you're reporting on for the first three days has really continued for the first month. i want to apologize to the people who read my blog. i estimated 5,000 contracts enrolled the first week.
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i was getting data and information that gave me a hard estimate of around 2,000. i couldn't believe numbers so i doubled it and rounded it up. this is just incredible. and the trickle continues. this thing has not improved >> you're speaking to the actual insurance companies so you have another means of information. and are they getting back to you anecdotally. >> a big insurance company that's going to have to enroll 200 or 300,000 people before this over to hit the obama target of 7 million might be getting 15, 20, enrollment as day. >> what do they say about their communication with the white house. the president had a bunch of insurance executives up there and was apparently trying to calm the waters. >> they are disappointed particularly after the president's speech in boston yesterday where he characterized the individualized insurance market as substandard market run by bad apple insurance
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companies. he brought everybody in last week, his staff issued a bulletin saying that they were all partners. today he's calling them bad apple and these are people that are sort of taking it on the chin for him. these insurance companies are the ones that have to mail out these millions of cancellation letters. >> let me ask you about that. person said it was their fault, insurance companies were cancelling people long before obama care and if they were cancelling them afterwards they have only themselves to blame. >> that's baloney. do you really think an insurance company would want to cancel 300,000 customers on its own? that makes absolutely no sense. why would they want to do that? the obama administration wrote these regulations so strictly that almost no individual health insurance policy in the market today qualifies. i think it's going to impact about 80%, 85% of individual policies ultimately over the next one year renewal cycle.
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>> did the insurance companies because this was an hhs regulation written in the summer of 2010 after the law passed did the insurance companies who pay attention to the federal register unlike the average american go to the administration and say what kathleen sebelius just did with it devastate the individual market. >> yes. when kathleen sebelius released the original draft regulations they were open for comment as all regulations are. the industry filed many comments indicating that this was going to be very disruptive. again, why would an insurance company want to cancel hundreds of thousands of their customers. >> they say in some cases they were cancelling the people that were expensive the pre-condition people. >> no. this has all got to do with the obama care regulations that are very specific that indicate that if you make even a minor change. you know what happens in the individual health insurance market every year is people get rate increases and the insurance
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company will always offer that person the opportunity to increase their deductible to mitigate the rate increase. this is a marketplace where the average deductible changes significantly. i took a look at two insurance studies where the single deductible naturally grew by 40% and the family deductible grew by 100%. under the sebelius regulations you're deductible could never grow by more than 25%. anybody who increased their deductible from $1,000 to $1500 lost their grandfather which is a normal increase. >> you're out. you're under obama care and the policy is going away because it's no longer grandfathered. bob, thank you. interesting information. >> you're welcome. >> again the administration trying to knock down i guess this report that just six people sign up on day one of the obama care roll out. they come from a meeting of the pen who was running, you know, the website. people running the website are
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not technically officials. they are in little handwriting -- we'll talk about with it ed henry who reached out to the white house right after this break. last night we showed you how a rowdy group of protesters went after new york city police commissioner, refusing to let him speak. how a federal judge has jumped into this controversy. as a business owner, i'm constantly putting out fires. so i deserve a small business credit card with amazing rewards. with the spark cascard from capital one, i get 2% cash back on ery purchase, every day. i break my back around here. finally soone's recognizing me with unlimited rewards! meetings start at 11, cindy. [ male announcer get the spark business card from capital one. choose 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every d. what's in your wallet? i need your timesheets, larry!
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next day 248. look at that. look at that. i actually think our graphic is wrong. i think it was october 2nd that had six people, october 3rd. joining us on the phone is ed henry. ed what do you hear from the white house? >> reporter: as you say these numbers being released by a critic of the administration by darrell issa. he's releasing notes from the administration itself. from their war room inside the department of health and human services. so it's their own numbers but appears to be draft of those numbers. a spokeswoman for secretary sebelius at the health and human services department, joann peters say these appear to be notes. they don't include official enrollment statistics. we'll release enrollment statistics on a monthly basis. as secretary said before congress we're focused prone
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avoiding reliable and accurate information and we do not have it at this time due to the issues with the forms the. we talked about it before. she ended by saying the pace of enrollment will increase. that last point is something they are trying to emphasize. the president was in boston yesterday talking about the beginning of romney care. only one state not the whole nation only had 123 people signing up in the first month. by month two 22,000. by end of year one 36,000. just one state. the key here, the bottom line is the white house is scramble tonight to get another blow as they dig out from what the president said yesterday in boston has been an awful start to this roll out and what we're anticipating of course the next move here is they are pushing off giving us official numbers but said they would do it at the beginning of november. will it be tomorrow, november 1st or wait a few days past the weekend when they get various information coming in from all
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these states. everyone is waiting. >> all right. ed henry thank you. i just want to show the viewers. this is the document we got. this says six enrollments have occurred so far with five different issuers. six. so you can see there was a wide war room notes. this is the hhs group war room notes, 10-2 and they go through all the data as of 10-2. the day after. six. at the beginning of the month, a number of administration figures were repeatedly asked what are the numbers? we paid for this website. and we are subsidizing a lot of policies. here's secretary sebelius and one of her top lieutenants. >> how many have signed up thus far? >> fully enrolled i can't tell you because i don't know. >> administrator how many people have enrolled in the exchanges? >> chairman, that number will not be available until mid-november. >> now we know why.
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karl rove served under george w. bush and was a senior adviser and assistant to the president. he's a fox news contributor. karl, six. >> we shouldn't be surprised. remember on the 16th of october delaware announced that 16 days into the program it finally signed up its first person. alaska announced as of that day it had seven. wisconsin said we have less than 50. two days later on a friday oregon announced they had zero people who had signed up. that's 18 days into the sign up. zero people who signed up for private insurance plan. south dakota announced it had 23. on monday the 20th, north dakota said we have 20 who signed up in our state. one a day for 20 days. and then they also said the department of health and human services told us not to talk about these numbers any more. don't tell what we got signed up. why should we be surprised. >> we just talked to an insurance rep who said the
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insurance companies are being told not to talk about it. six. it's so abysmal. the concern is rather great. you can't fill a soccer team with six people. we have a lineup here in the studio. these six. this is the number. this is the number of people who signed up. >> yeah. >> remember, megyn, they need 38,461 people a day for each and every day monday through sunday of the open enrollment period to get the 7 million number by next, end of next march. >> if they don't then what happens? >> it's not going to happen. >> if they don't what happens next? can you hear me karl? if they are on pace not to make the 7 million by the end of march then what will happen? >> well, remember this whole affordable care act was sold as a -- we're going to provide
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comprehensive universal care to every american. that's not true. at the end of the day even the cbo says congressional budget office says 30 million people in the united states will be without insurance when the affordable care act is completely up and going. but if they end up getting fewer than 7 million people in all likelihood two things will happen. one is the economics of this will be very bad. because the people who are most likely to sign up, the small terrify population you have sign up the more likely it is that it's less healthy, sicker people who will draw on that insurance more so cost per person will go up dramatically. second of all it means that all of the revenue that's supposed to be generated for this thing may be insufficient to handle it and the deficit will go up. >> we're told of those who have enrolled thus far and obviously six is the number from the first day. obviously it's gone up and the president himself used the term
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thousands. when they say thousands they couldn't say tens of thousands but a week or so ago. now we expect they have more people because the medicaid portion is swelling. vast proportion is medicaid. who pays for that. aren't we supposed to be getting money for that from the young, healthy people who are signing up for the exchanges whose money we'll take and who will be easy to insure. >> look medicaid is second class health care. most doctors will not accept medicaid patients. the reimbursement rates are too low. it's like getting a lottery ticket to get health care. it's not health care. when we get this first range of numbers people who apply medicaid far out strips those who applied for private insurance plans. private insurance plans are going to be better care, they are going to give you access to more doctors, better, higher quality facility, are going to
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be willing to take your care. medicaid is second class health care at best. >> the question remains who will pay for it because the federal government agreed to pay for the expansion of medicaid roles in the state and if the money isn't there what does that mean? new tax. where will they get it? karl, thanks for being here. >> you bet. >> we're taking your thoughts on all of this. send us a tweet, follow me on twitter @megynkelly or like us on facebook. as new developments happen with this enrollment story we'll bring him to. plus we'll investigate new claims tonight there are socialist school lessons now lidden in some new education plans. wait until you hear, for wait until you hear, for example, what they ar huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know that when a tree falls in the forest and no one's around, it does make a sound? ohhh...ohhh...oh boy!
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at any mfraud could mean blower credit scores. and higher interest rates when you apply for a credit card. it's a problem waiting to happen. check your credit score, check your credit report at in just the last week we've seen a growing number of complaints of what are being called socialist lessons in our schools. last week philadelphia city council members decided to have students read from a people's history of the united states. the book by controversial historian offers lessons on organizing unions and striking. the first titled si, se puede, yes we can. another one titled harvesting hope, story of cesar chavez.
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what exactly are we teaching our children? justin wilson is the managing director for union facts. let me clarify. philadelphia city council wants howard zinn's people history of the united states to be taught in schools. we don't know whether it will. a couple of these other issues have already been approved for teaching in our schools including apparently some lesson that appears to praise the unions by talking about how they make people's lives better and a union can help people, and there have been objections to this. why? >> you know 95% of teachers have one thing in mind and that's just teaching students but there's 5% of them that i think fall in line with the teachers unions and being far more ideological. it's that 5% that find their way into places in power and whether on a curriculum committee or state board of education, when they set agendas for what we
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teach our children it starts trickling down. there's a booklet intended for fourth grade students and it told the story of a girl who was overhearing her parents about how the union was good and going on strike and how she was kind of fearful about the next day. the trouble is that it wasn't a reading comprehension book. it was an attempt to teach children to understand certain words and why their parents were talking i hushed tones. we don't need a politicallying charged curriculum to teach people to read especially fourth graders. >> they said we were teaching reading comprehension. they could understand ideas and concepts. they think there's nothing wrong with this sort of -- what they are reading doesn't matter just that they are reading and comprehending it. >> you could be reading a textbook on american history or reading the people's history of the united states. one of them will give you a relatively dispassionate but a good understanding of american
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history while the other will be a one sided account of what happened to sort of radical academic's point of view. both will teach children,000 read. i think we should choose the first one. some people with labor unions whether it's the american federation of teachers or others who are advocating a political ideology. for instance in this case we've seen the teachers unions advocate to allow teachers to endorse political candidates. they filed lawsuits saying that was the teachers first amendment right. >> one book recommended as i was attempting to say in the introfor third graders," yes we can" which is the story of the janitor string los angeles and i want tries to help students answer the question how can we work together as a community to stand up for our rights. i mean, to some on the right those are code words for how can
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we unionize, how can we organize, how can we challenge employers and so on. these touch on issues that get debated every day in our politics and our lives. >> you know there's an appropriate way to approach politics in schools and maybe it's not even appropriate for a third grade audience. the trouble here is that teachers unions are one of the last vestiges of an employment system from the 1950s that does not value market based or merit based principles, instead sees teachers as a cog in the wheel. the american federation of teachers uses the word solidarity in a way we would have heard in the early 1900s. they come from an ideological background that's out of sync with our times. when we hear of these things cropping up so it's not hard to find so i wonder how many more of them are out there that you have to wonder. the real scary thing here though is that these teachers unions have kraeft ad system so if there are those 5% of teachers
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who want to do it they don't have any fear they will have any repriceal in indoctrinating students. >> we'll continue to follow it. justin, thank you. >> my pleasure. >> up next a new twist in the controversy that led to this dramatic confrontation at brown university. a and hannity next. >> they will argue one of the greatest policy disasters in the history of america. barack obama did not say if you like your policy you can keep your policy unless it's dangerous, cheap or crappie. he didn't say that. he said you can keep your policy period. period. and he said it over check it out. i can't believe your mom has a mom cave! today i have new campbell's chuy spicy chicken quesadilla soup. she gives me chunky before every game. i'm very souperstitious. haha, that's a good one! haha! [ male announcer ] campbell's chunky soup. it fills you up right. i got this.
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a new twist in the
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controversy that led to a dramatic confrontation at brown university. this is what happened earlier this week when new york city police commissioner ray kelly tried to speak to students and community members about, among other things, his department's stop and frisk policy. today a federal judge jumped into the controversy. trace gallagher explains. >> reporter: the changes the new york police department were supposed to be sweeping. not just the way they stop and frisk but to hire monitors to oversee the changes even going so far as to have police officers in high areas where they frix a lot of people the to wear body cameras. now the second circuit court of appeals halted the changes for now. they came down hard on the judge who made the initial ruling removing her for not being impartial saying she steered the lawsuit to her courtroom and then speaking publically about
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the case while it was pending. civil rights groups accused the nypd of stopping and frisking an enorus increase of people year by year and targeting mainly blacks and hispanics. nypd denies that. as you said yesterday this happened at brown university. listen. [ shouting ] >> police commissioner ray kelly was prevented from speaking. he was shouted down by students protesting stop and frisk among other nypd policies. so far there has not been any comment from nypd about the ruling from the second circuit court of appeals. >> all right, trace. thank you. it's halloween. wait until you see how a special family member dressed up this year. next. ♪ the monster mash ♪ it was a graveyard smash as a business owner, i'm constantly putting out fires.
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said, hooker. our producers had fun dressing their pets as well. on this screen there are more dogs than there were people who signed up for obama care on day one. follow me on . i'm 1,000 away from 500,000. i'm megyn kelly. here's "hannity." under the the reform we are proposing, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. >> my insurance policy has been cancelled. >> if you like your health care plan, you can uh keep youring plan. >> if you like the health care plan you have, you can keep it. did i hear it wrong? >> if you have health insurance we'll help make sure your insurance is more affordable and secure. >> it's not affordable. it is not affordable. >> if you like your current insurance, you will keep your current insurance. >> i found out all of the plans my insurer are provided, all would be cancelled. >> if you have health insurance through your


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